Green computing
The 2021 ANITA "summer" school on "Green Computing" will take place over three sequential Thursdays, July 3, 10, and 17. We will meet between 1 PM and 4:30 PM AEST via zoom (with thanks to Astro3D for zoom support).
The first meeting, on June 3, will include an introduction to computing resources from ADACS coordinator Greg Poole and ASTAC chair Bernhard
Mueller; a talk from Adam Stevens, lead author of Nature Astronomy article
"The imperative to reduce carbon emissions in astronomy"; and a panel discussion between
Adam, Vanessa Moss, Pascal Elahi and Natasha Hurley-Walker on the same topic.
Greg's slides
Bernhard's slides
Adam's slides
Vanessa's slides
Natasha's slides
On June 10 and June 17, Paul Hancock and Rebecca Lange from ADACS we will provide tutorials on profiling,
optimisation, and related topics.
Please make sure you have the necessary
software installed .
All talks and tutorials have been recorded and are available via this playlist.