ANITA 2020 workshop program

The detailed talk schedule for the workshop (Feb 6-7) will be announced in early 2020. We remind prospective speakers that they are allocated 12 minutes + 3 minutes of questions for their talk. A general purpose machine will be available but we strongly suggest bringing your own laptops, VGA/HDMI adapters and other associated dongles.

Detailed schedule:


 9:30 - 10:50: session 1

 Mark Walker "TBD"
 Daniel Price "Tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes"
 Mike Lau "Detecting Double Neutron Stars with LISA"
 Aris Tritsis "Halo's magnetic field as evident from striated interstellar clouds (HOMERIC)"
10:50 - 11:10: morning tea
11:10 - 12:30: session 2

Ashley Ruiter "TBD (something on binary stars and white dwarfs)"
Ayan Acharyya "Quantifying beam smearing effects on inferred metallicity gradients via synthetic IFU datacubes"
Meridith Joyce "3D Particle Maps from any MESA Model in a few clicks"
Fiona Panther "Thick He-shell DD or not DD: gamma-ray signatures to distinguish the progenitors of subluminous thermonuclear transients"

12:30 - 13:30: lunch
13:30 - 14:50: session 3

James Murray "AAL"
Alex Kemp "Towards improved theoretical rates of novae and type Ia supernova events through population synthesis"
Cui-Ying Song "Black Hole Hyperaccretion Inflow–Outflow Model: Long-duration Gamma-Ray Bursts and Supernova 56 Ni Bumps"

14:50 - 15:10: afternoon tea
15:10 - 17:30: session 4

Shyam Menon "The turbulence driving mode of expanding HII regions"
Moritz Huebner "Measuring gravitational-wave memory in the first LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalogue"
Vishnu Varma R Vejayan "Simulations of magnetorotational hypernovae"
Paul Easter "Astrophysics and nuclear physics with gravitational waves from neutron star merger remnants"

19:00 - late: ANITA2020 conference dinner at Lemongrass Thai, 65 London Cct


 9:30 - 10:50: session 1
 Roland Crocker "Cosmic ray feedback in star-formation and implications for gamma-ray emission from starbursts"
 Valentin Christiaens "How do planets form? New insight from IR high-contrast imaging."
 Alexander Heger "Production of Lithium in Primoridal Supernovae"
 Segey Belkin "Multifrequency Observations and Discovery of the Supernova associated with GRB 181201A"
10:50 - 11:10: morning tea
11:10 - 12:30: session 2

Lilia Ferrario "TBD"
Eloise Birchall "Early evolution of protostellar discs"
Lucy Strang "Plerion-like X-ray plateaux in short Gamma-Ray Bursts"
Allan Ernest "Is there a universal wavefunction?"

12:30 - 13:30: lunch
13:30 - 15:30: session 3

Ilya Mandel "Updates on compact-object binaries"
Christophe Pinte "Kinematic detection of embedded protoplanets"
Ivo Seitenzahl "TBD"

15:30: close and farewell